Monday 26 January 2015

Process Mineralogy '17- first announcement

One of the messages that came out of Process Mineralogy '14 is that we can now characterise mineral assemblies in what can be a bewildering number of ways, such that the challenge now is to apply this data on mine sites in a language that operators can understand.  Automated mineralogy is a sophisticated tool which can reap great benefits to mineral processors, so the principles must be incorporated into undergraduate courses, to train mineral processors in its use and its great benefits.

It is a rapidly evolving field and we expect more innovations to be announced and discussed at the next meeting, Process Mineralogy '17, which will be held in Cape Town in March 2017.  Already we have major corporate support from ZEISS and Bruker so the early signs are that this will be a major event, as were the previous conferences in Cape Town.

Delegates at Process Mineralogy '14

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